Welcome to Nuernberg, exchange students! …
… or as the locals say: Herzlich willkommen! We wish you an unforgettable stay in our city and a fruitful time at our university.
Exchange students are more than welcome to participate in any and all of our courses. Please be aware that exchange students are expected to meet the same requirements as all other students. This includes fulfilling the language requirements, regardless of whether the course is offered in German or in English. You must be able to adequately follow lectures, give presentations, participate in discussion, write term papers and exams, etc., in the language of instruction. You are also, of course, welcome to audit a course, in which case no credits can be awarded, but a certificate of participation can be issued.
Attendance is mandatory for all seminars, including the first session!
Please register for all courses in which you would like to participate, whether actively or on an audit basis, via StudOn. Since participant numbers are limited in the seminars, we will have waiting lists; it is therefore also important that you de- register, should you change your mind and not wish to participate for any reason.
Should you not yet have access to StudOn at the beginning of the registration period, please contact the secretariat via E-Mail, explaining that you are an exchange student and requesting manual registration to the desired course.
Course offering for Winter Term 2021/2022
Internationale Politik 1 (lecture course, undergraduate level, with tutorial, written exam, in German).
Issues in International Political Economy (IPE) (lecture course, graduate level, with tutorial, written exam, in English).
Issues in Global Economic Governance (seminar, graduate level, presentation + term paper, in English).
Issues in International Trade (seminar, graduate level, presentation + term paper, in English).